It is a well known fact that proverbs are an integral part of every culture. And we do see people use proverbs to express their feelings or a particular situation.
Each proverb has its own greatness and importance, but I would like to dedicate this writing to the proverb Little drop of water makes the mighty ocean. Before getting into this proverb, I just to want to speak about the ocean.
The ocean appears to be plain on the exterior and you only know it’s depth when you get in. Irrespective of the amount of water flowing in from rivers, the level of oceans always remains to be the same. Equanimity is the prime quality that we could learn from the ocean.
Coming to the quote, whenever we experience an ocean, we always fail to see tiny drops in them, we only see them as a whole. If we could just change our perspective to 1 + 1 = 2, we would feel that infinite tiny drops do make such an ocean. Having said that, this can be extended to all huge things that we see. Even the Taj Mahal started with a single brick, a human body can be broken down to a single cell and more.
This can be applied to the mental world as well, like A journey of thousand miles begins with one step. Each task can be broken down into simpler steps and from there with persistence and hardwork we can achieve our imagination. This has been the secret of the world.
I tend to appreciate the concept of integration with this, initially we try to find the area of a small rectangle and extend that to find the area of a random shape. The best results are obtained when the initial rectangle width is infinitesimally small.
Let’s remember, right from nature, physical bodies, knowledge everything bows to this quote.
Let’s aim high!
Start simple!
Work with persistence!
Lets’ achieve the unachievable!
Not to forget, 2 = 1 + 1 and 10,000 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + …. + 1.